Diversity and Inclusion

Use of Pronouns and Gender Identity
Submitted by Miriam Kranser, Chair

I recently read about an outstanding female dance undergraduate in a UCI magazine. What intrigued me was the author chose to describe this rising star as “they.” For example, “They have an older sister who also took dance classes,” and “After graduating high school, they got accepted into UCI.” Clearly this author chose to write this article in this manner which brought up the use of personal pronouns by the LGBTQ+ community and what it signifies. My research indicated the following:

HE/HIM/HIS- Typically used by individuals who identify as male.

SHE/HER/HERS- Typically used by individuals who identify as female.

THEY/THEM/THEIRS- is a gender- neutral pronoun used by those who do not exclusively identify as male or female.

These pronouns reflect a desire for authenticity and to express personal gender identity. Using someone’s personal pronouns is a way to respect them and to recognize the diversity of gender categories. It is a way of acknowledging that not everyone fits into traditional gender descriptions.

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